Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good bye to my blog

So after a failled attempt to move my blog to WordPress I have decided to stay with blogger... HOWEVER I will be moving locations. If you have time Please check out my new blog. I will be posting 5 days a week from now on with a TON of fun topics! :) hope to see you there!

Monday, May 9, 2011

On my Heart

Oh Monday.. how I loathe you so! I would like to start by saying happy mothers day to all of you wonderful mothers out there! Rather your a working mom, a stay at home mom, A grandmomma, or mommy who is still in the process of becoming a mom. TO all you women out there HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! A mother(or a mother to be) is a special person!

Now on to life... I get real joy out of blogging! Its like my fingers can type away emotions, thoughts, and feelings my mouth does not communicate the way my mind thinks it. And lately there has really been something on my heart I have wanted to get out....

HOW HARD IT IS TO BE A WORKING MOM! Now first I will say I KNOW it is hard to be a stay at home mom, because I was one! Being a working mom is hard in a different way... I miss my baby! Even as I sit here on my lunch break typing my little fingers away I can feel tears well up in my eyes. I am here in an office, but my heart, my soul, my mind is at home with my baby!
He is at such a special place in his life right now, also at a stubborn place I might add : ) He is learning so much right now.. how to jump, leap like a frog, RAWR like a lion. He understands everything. He grabs my hand and leads me around the house pointing to things and telling me what they are. Moments when he runs up to me and gives me a "BIG HUG" makes me know that I need to be at home with my baby! He is only this age once and I need to be with my little bug, because NO ONE can raise him the way that I can!

I am not 100% sure how, but I know that I need to be a stay at home mom! It is weighing heavy on my heart, and I have no idea how I am going to make it work, but I know that every time I see his smile it gives me the motivation to find a way!

So look out world because it looks like I am going to be inventing a business of some kind! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 8

Day 8 Have a beauty secret? My biggest beauty "secret" is tea!! I drink as much organic tea(of all kinds) as possible! I also get in at least 2 cups of regular green tea a day. Ever since I have started doing this, about a year ago, My skin has never been the same!(in a positive way) I also take my left over green tea bag at the end of the night and rub it on my face and around my eyes! Seriously my face is FANTASTIC! :) Day 1. What is one of your most memorable childhood memories? Please share a photo (at least 10 years old) Day 2. What makes you uniquely you? Day 3. Who is someone you know who inspires beauty? Day 4. Post A photo that makes you smile. Day 5. Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive. Day 6. A youtube video? Day 7. Your Favorite Quote Day 8. Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)? Share, please!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 7

Your day of favorite Quotes!

Romans 12:21 "do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good"

"bEiNg HaPpY DoEsNt MeAn ThAt EvErYtHiNg is PeRfEcT, It MeAnS ThAt YoU DeCiDe To LoOk BeYoNd ThE ImPeRfEcTiOnS"

...KNOWING is better than WONDERING,
WAKINGis better than SLEEPING,
and even the biggest FAILURE,
BEATS the hell out of NEVER TRYING!!!

"DoNt WoRrY BoUt A ThInG. CuZ EvErY LiTtLe ThInG Is GuNNA Be AlRiGhT" -BoB MaRlEy

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 6

A youtube video..
How about...

A youtube channel?

Long ago I started blogging and shortly after I started to vlog for my family who was living in other states! :) Hope you enjoy the goofy life of teamjamexican! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 5

Write a blog to someone who made your heart come alive!

Dear Jacques Derrae (simmons) Blake,

Where to start?
you came into my life at a young age!
we drifted
we were drawn back to each other after what some might consider a tramatic time in each of our lives...
let me tell you...
as much as some days you drive me crazy! : )
I can not thank God enough for putting you in my life.
You made me believe that I am good enough.
You made me believe that Love conquers all.
You made me believe that I am worth it.
You made me believe that LOVE is worth it.
last but
certainly not least...
You showed me what true love is..
you showed me what unconditional love is...
You gave me a baby..
and together we created life...
we continue to grow...
we continue...
YOU made my heart grow!
you are who God put in my life to complete me... so that my heart could truly come alive!

Day 4

A photo that makes you smile! :)