Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday Five.. ITS BACK!

Myself and my oversized, very adorable, forehead have been wrapped up in an under caffeinated world of New real estate projects, 17' snow storms, and a quickly growing toddler. My Thursdays have slipped out of my hands jumped off the balcony and landed in a giant pile of snow. Today however the coffee pot was calling my name, and as I sat here in my overly holiday decorated office sipping my 50th 5th cup of coffee I decided its time to take a break. Put the piles of paper work aside, ignore the blinding mounds of snow outside my window, take a deep breath... and Play. So ... here it is... Everything and anything that means everything or nothing to me this Thursday. Its my Thursday Five...

Five... Recently life has sent me some curve balls, and for once they really knocked me on the ground. ME... On the ground.. You know the one who figures out every possible scenario and outcome far before anyone else even considers one single option.. yeah me... I had no idea what to do.... For once in my life I was stuck, confused, baffled, but as it turns out being knocked on the ground was a good good thing. Why? It was an amazing reminder that sometimes you just have to slow down take a deep breath, let go and Let God. Where ever or whatever your faith may be Its a great thing! I was on facebook this morning and someone’s status really stuck out to me... something along the lines of our life being like photography because it develops from the negatives.. cheesy.. maybe? But i see a great truth in that! :)

Four... So for anyone who even slightly knows me they know that Jacques and I are COMPLETE Lushes for TV shows. Smallville, Nurse Jackie, True Blood, Six feet Under, Teen Mom(yes, although he will never admit it My love does watch it with me), pretty much you name it we watch it. Recently though we have come across 2 new shows that previously we had not watched. The first being Supernatural. We enjoyed it so much we downloaded 6 seasons all with 22 episodes and spend the better part of 2 weeks watching ALL OF THEM! and even more recently The Walking Dead. I forget what channel its on but can you say AMAZING. Its like resident evil gone TV show. Why are TV shows so addicting for us? I have not idea... best jab at it... I would just have to say NERDS!

Three... Growing up my parents were Never the grocery list type of people. I mean for gosh sake what’s the point my mom has never followed a single recipe her entire life. Not exactly the directions reading type of woman, ya know? My dad would go to the store, and God bless his heart, Buy exactly what he needed for dinner and a bag full of random things. The next day Repeat. So obviously as a young woman I picked up on these traits. We go to the store and get what’s for dinner and a few random things our eyes, or stomachs, tell us we should.... and repeat. WELL LET ME FILL YOU IN ON A SECRET. Holy cow face making a list saves SOOO MUCH MONEY! Last week I was bored so I put together 10 meals wrote out everything a needed and went to the store... Two weeks worth of food LESS than $160! In my house where I normally have guests $160 for two weeks is amazing! So Dear Mom and Dad Lesson of the decade.. A list at the grocery store is a life savor! I hate to say but I think I may be becoming a list girl... oh my! :)

Two... With New Years just a few Thursdays away.. I hear that question circling around every room I walk in. I am sure you all thought it when you read the words "New Years"... what are your New Years Resolutions? I think.. ill have to get back to ya next Thursday?!

One.. Of course my #1 is obvious as it always it.. My little baby I mean Toddler >insert sad face here<>

Please all you pregnant ladies and new mommies even when your tired or a little stressed out and even though some days are very hard and some days you are so tired you think you might cry.. soak up ever single moment!!! I say that because you will blink your eyes and have a little toddler standing in front of you instead of a baby in your arms! Every stage is a blessing so enjoy! :)

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend and good luck with all the holiday shopping!

Mommy Of a Jamexican!

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